Here you will find a list of completed, published, or ongoing projects that I am working on!

Geodynamic Modeling - FEniCS Subduction Zones
Subduction Zones host an incredible amount of important geological events, such as earthquakes, volcanism, and mineralizaton. However, despite their importance, subduction zone models are often poorly understood and complicated, rendering them difficult to understand and use for anyone other than experts.
During my time at the Carnegie Institution for Science, Earth and Planets Laboratory, in Washington, D.C., I worked with Dr. Cian Wilson to develop and improve a series of increasingly complex Geodynamic Models using FEniCSx, an open source python library for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) via the finite element method (FEM). All code was developed in an online Jupyter Notebooks environment.
At the culmination of my internship, I had implemented a time-dependent model of Subduction, as well as thermal diffusion, convection, and cornerflow. These models aim to be open source, free, and accessible for scientists, researchers, and hobbyists alike. The project is available on my Github as well as on the official project website.